healing journeys

coaching and body work programmes to support and heal

holistic programmes for complete support

A well woman Healing Journey is a coaching, body work and ritualistic programme of six sessions over three cycles which for most women takes around 3 months.

Each journey has been carefully created to offer you the perfect combination of care for your particular phase of womanhood.

By booking a journey you will benefit from 13 hours of one to one support at a competitive rate over booking individual sessions. Have the reassurance of knowing that you have prioritised and planned for your vital self care.

there is something infinately reassuring about knowing that you have prioritised the support and care you need to be well and confident throughout your pregnancy.

preparing the way - a supported journey through pregnancy and the 4th trimester

6 sessions that begin during pregnancy and continue in the early months after your baby arrives. Designed to prepare your body and mind for motherhood and provide tailored support to meet your needs.

  • We begin with a two hour coaching and body-work session to explore and address concerns and fears, and set your objectives. Together we define the way forwards and nurture your changing body.

  • Sessions two and three are 90 minute body work sessions to help relieve aches and pains, support your baby in finding the optimum position for birth and enable your body to fully relax, and enjoy your pregnancy. This could include reflexology or pregnancy massage.

  • Session 4 happens at around 32 weeks of your pregnancy and is a 90 minute session focused on coaching and practical techniques for birth preparation. If you wish, your partner can attend this session with you so they are prepared to provide the best support possible.

  • Session 5 is a two hour Closing the Bones Ceremony, a beautiful body work ritual that brings deep restorative healing and happens in the few weeks after your baby is born.

  • Session 6 is a two hour session that combines coaching and body work to resource you for a strong and confident motherhood.

6 sessions over three cycles to support your body and mind during this challenging and sometimes bewildering time.

rising phoenix - an empowering journey through peri-menopause

Perimenopause can be likened to a journey of walking through fire. We come into a new relationship with ourselves for the next phase of life. It is a time of potent creativity and a radical letting go of the old to make way for the new. 

As we work together through this time we learn how to hold the tension between the inner and outer worlds, to hold the inner fire without ‘burning the house down’.

  • Through three 60 minute coaching sessions we embrace the phoenix rising in you and enable you to re-engage with the world with greater wisdom, strength and grace. We will explore practical ways to deal with the symptoms of menopause. We will focus specifically on the skills needed to set healthy boundaries, to deal with anxieties and any patterns that arise at this time. We will create powerful visualisations, goals and intentions for the post menopausal woman you wish to be.

  • Through two one hour body-work sessions we provide the physical nourishment and care your body needs as it navigates the challenges of change. This could be in the form of Maya Abdominal Massage, Reflexology or Therapeutic Massage.

  • In a further 90 minute session I will teach you how to adapt the technique of Maya Abdominal Massage for self massage enabling you to continue the benefits as part of your self care routine at home.

“We all need a companion who cares and it is my joy to be yours ”

— Bella