maya abdominal massage

ancient healing for modern times

Maya abdominal Massage is an ancient technique that has so many benefits. Whether you suffer from painful periods, are struggling to conceive, or suffer with symptoms of menopause or irregular cycles, this can offer immense support. We know that healing or reducing the debilitating symptoms of endometriosis can be achieved through self care and massage. The first step to resolving difficulties conceiving is to look at how you can increase fertile cervical fluid and a prolonged luteal stage, both of which abdominal massage can support. 

how does it work?

The initial session is 2 hrs which will include a consultation where we explore what’s happening in your body and find where the imbalances could be hiding.

  • The treatment will include belly work and focused back treatment aimed at aligning the pelvis.

  • Then comes the magic of self massage where you learn that the power of healing lies in your own hands!

is abdominal massage painful?

If you have a difficult cycle then you may be worried about increased pain. The work will be as gentle as you need it to be and stronger if you prefer. Your feedback will be the gauge as to how deep we go.

when is the best time for me to come for abdominal massage?

Cycles are complex and there are often concerns about optimal times to receive a treatment. It is best to avoid coming if you are on your period. If you are trying for a baby and you have had unprotected sex during your fertile times then it’s best to wait until the end of your next period.

is it an internal massage?

Due to the nature of the work, this is a common assumption! You’ll be pleased to hear that the answer is no. Your Abdominal Massage is a lovely treatment that works over the skin and is not invasive.

how many treatments will I need?

When you are trying everything you can to resolve an issue, things can get very expensive. Ideally you would come twice a month for three months. However, the beauty of this work is that you will practise a daily form of self massage which will deepen the effects of the therapy. If your purse strings are stretched, you can continue the work at home!

can I have this massage if i’ve had a hysterectomy?

Yes, even when your womb has been removed there is still space and the energetic resonance of your womb. This can support your other organs in finding their new space, heal scars and help your body find a balanced and comfortable ‘new normal’